How Much Energy Do Energy Efficient Windows Really Save?

Energy Efficient Windows

In the 21st-century, we are all looking for the best ways of saving energy for several different reasons. For some of us, the main reason for increasing our energy efficiency is to protect the planet we live on for future generations. Others are simply looking to lower their utility bills and save some money by installing energy efficient windows. Most of us want to learn when considering our homes’ updates is how much money we will generally save by installing energy-efficient window frames and glass.

What Makes A Window Energy-Efficient?

This is a question that can be confusing because the technology being used to create the latest Energy Star windows is always evolving. We can say that any window in your home that was not created in the last two decades is probably using outdated technology that allows energy to be released into the atmosphere. If your windows are made of wood or aluminum, the chances are you are losing heat in the cooler months and conditioned air in the warmer parts of the year. The frame used to create your windows is just as important as the glass used to protect your home from the outside elements. According to Modernize, a fiberglass or UPVC frame is the most commonly used in the last few decades because these offer excellent insulating properties for your home.

The Number Of Panes Of Glass

In the early and mid-10th-century, the most commonly created windows used a single glass frame inefficient in keeping the outdoor air out of homes. The colder portions of Scandanavia were the testing grounds for new window technology in the second half of the 20th-century when double panes of glass were used to reduce the impact of below-freezing air out of homes. In some areas of Sweden and Norway, triple panes of glass are now common as the effects of harsh winters are battled across the region.

Within the multiple panes of glass used in the modern window-making technology, gas is generally inserted into the closed frame to add even more energy efficiency. Gases such as argon are commonly used because they have the ability to reflect cool and warm air from the exterior and interior to form an effective barrier between the two areas.{text-align:center}.tdi_67_3f6 .td-element-style{z-index:-1}{text-align:left} img{margin:0 auto 0 0}@media (max-width:767px){{text-align:center}}

How Much Can Be Saved?

The Realtor explains how much money can be saved on bills based on several factors. The U.S. Department of Energy has studied the savings on offer for each region and reports savings vary from $126 to $465 per year depending on several factors.

The differences in savings can be affected by the area of the country where you live and how you install your new energy-efficient windows. If you are looking for greater energy efficiency levels, you will see the biggest change in your utility bills if you live in an area where the winter is harsh or the summer brings extreme heat.

It would help if you also considered exactly how your windows are being created and installed. Most energy experts always recommend professional installation because an ill-fitting window will lead to energy being lost from between the gaps and cracks that will be found between the window frame and the building. If you buy high-quality windows and professionally install them, you may see savings in as little as one or two years when a single window can be purchased for an average of $150.

More Than Just Energy Savings

When you consider installing new windows with the latest energy-saving technology, you will usually think about the savings available annually. However, installing energy-efficient windows offers even more benefits for your home than simply saving money. When the time comes to sell your home, you will find that the installation of new windows can push your home’s value northwards. The average increase in home value seen after installing new windows has risen to around $12,000.

Other benefits that can be gained from installing new windows with the latest energy-efficient technology include the reduction in noise pollution you will gain. Double-paned glass can limit the passage of noise into your home. Another benefit is that a new window will look better and add to your home’s overall curb appeal, whether you are looking to sell or remain in place for years to come.