Tips For Keeping Harmful Bugs Out Of Your Garden

Pest Control

Bugs crawling and munching on your sprouting plants are possibly the most widely-recognized challenge for both new and experienced gardeners. Whether you possess the most basic gardening know-how or you’re a seasoned vegetable nursery worker, it won’t shock you to know that pests outnumber humans many times over.

While a niche population of bugs is beneficial for specific plant types, gardeners are often well-acquainted with the damage these hoards of tiny, crawly creatures can inflict. Pest issues can be frustrating, especially when a particular nursery season ends suddenly due to pest invasion.

Sometimes the experts aren’t always within reach. When those unexpected infestations pop up, you’ll need a guide of pest-control strategies that you can implement. Below are tips that will equip you with a basic understanding of how to effectively control pests so that you can reap the fruits of your labor. Whether you need help with pest control in San Diego, San Antonio, or South Dakota, we’ve got you covered.

  1. Crop Rotation

Practicing crop rotation removes the host plant and causes a disturbance in the yearly life pattern of bugs, diseases, and weeds—leading to improved soil fertility. Additionally, crop rotation confuses bugs, distracts their focus in particular territories, and enhances soil richness.{text-align:center}.tdi_67_954 .td-element-style{z-index:-1}{text-align:left} img{margin:0 auto 0 0}@media (max-width:767px){{text-align:center}}

Certain pests attack specific crop species, so you’ll need to identify the pests native to your area and identify what plant species they’re prone to target. Once you’ve pinpointed their plant species of-choice, you can assess whether or not the plants rooted in your garden are at-risk. For example, Colorado scarabs cut potatoes. Although these pests can be eradicated with certain herbicides, using such chemicals in large amounts contaminate natural flora—making it toxic to living creatures that might feast on your plants.

When you swap potato crops and plant wheat or corn in their place, they’re forced to flee since they don’t consume this particular crop. While it may seem like a simple fix, practicing crop rotation in a small garden can be challenging. Regardless, if a crop is bombarded by a particular bug species, it’s recommended by most experts that you don’t plant the same crop in the same area for up to two years.

  1. Mechanical Pest Solutions

These hands-on procedures use equipment or natural ingredients to supply plants with a defensive barrier against creepy crawlies. Though these gadgets and natural solutions may appear non-poisonous and harmless, many can harm honey bees and other useful bug species in their wake. With this in mind, it’s critical to be selective in your mechanical pest control solutions.

For some ideas on mechanical pest solutions on-the-market, here are some options at a gardener’s disposal. For the most part, you’ll be able to purchase the below solutions at your local home improvement store.

  • Traps

While different traps are stocked at local garden stores, these traps can also be handmade from the comfort of your home. To construct a snail trap, nail pieces of wood on aboard. Afterward, place your trap in the garden with the strips facing downwards. The ground should marginally support the board. Snails will, then, move below it—eliminating the potential damage a snail is capable of inflicting.

  • Make Use Of Barriers

Install a physical obstruction to stop bugs from munching on your leafy foods. There are different approaches to a barrier-centric pest control strategy. However, using a fine net is one of the most straightforward ways to ward off pests. Place the net above the crops, leaving enough room for the plant to mature.

  • Handpicking

Picking bugs and egg sacks from crops by hand is a powerful and natural approach to control any pests, even though it may be exhausting and time-consuming. Most gardeners will use this method sparingly, due to its time-consuming nature. Despite its tediousness, handpicking can be an excellent option for gardeners who try to avoid damaging, chemical-based solutions.

  • Water Pressure Sprays

A powerful stream of water removes aphids and spider mites rather effortlessly. For the best results, you’ll need to repeat the process frequently. Use this method on firm plants, and allow plants to dry between showers to avoid infection brought about by overwatering.

  1. Companion Planting

A few plants produce natural bug repellents, which makes them extremely valuable when planted close to top-priority crops. These natural repellents will irritate pests and keep them away from your precious plants. Using the organic properties of these natural bug repellents can promote growth within the garden.

Dill is also a fantastic pest-control solution when planted next to cabbages and lettuce. Not only does the herb assist in repelling bugs, but it also enhances the flavor of cabbage and lettuce, and is even beneficial in making handcrafted pickles. Garlic can also serve as a natural pest control solution. Planting in-between garlic vegetables can ward-off Japanese beetles and spiders.

  1. Look For Signs Of Trouble Frequently

At least two times per week, use a magnifying glass to search for bugs among your plants. Most vegetable bugs feed and stay on the undersides of leaves. Ensure you examine these regions keenly. If you see any indications of damage, act right away. If you’re looking to design your natural garden, you may need to handpick and crush the bugs, rather than resorting to chemical solutions.

  1. Pesticides

Pesticides carry out numerous purposes around the garden. These include: changing the appearance of gardens by removing weeds and boosting production in gardens by diminishing losses brought about by pests and diseases.

Be sure to remember that pesticides are toxins, and when utilized recklessly, they can present risks to humans, household pets, and the environment. If you’re willing to overlook the risks associated or apply these chemical solutions carefully, a variety of pesticides are currently available in your local stores. With the help of pesticides, you can battle and control undesirable bugs wandering throughout your garden. Pesticides that you might spot for your garden purposes include:

  • Slug Pellets

These brilliant blue pellets are sprinkled around crops to kill slugs and snails that can eat your plants. These pellets are fast-acting and extremely powerful.

  • Spray Chemicals

Spray chemicals are fluid types of pesticides administered with a sprayer. These chemicals are easily accessible in stores in a wide range of designs. Consult with a garden expert to locate the product(s) best suited to your pest control needs.

Final Thoughts

Whatever pest-control route you decide to take, from handpicking to pesticides, you’ll want to be proactive. Don’t wait until hoards of bugs infiltrate your abundant garden. Protect your crops, and hire a professional if your DIY pest-control efforts don’t cut it.